Patients experiencing injury, surgery, illness, or self-management of chronic disease requiring recovery and recuperation may be eligible for home health care through their Medicare benefit.

To meet Medicare guidelines, each patient must:

  • Meet the definition of ‘homebound (the normal inability to leave home). Must be a ‘taxing and considerable effort’ by the patient and requires the assistance of others or a supportive device. Absences from home for non-medical reasons must be infrequent and for a short duration.
  • Have a specific care need requiring part-time or intermittent care.
  • Require the care of a nurse or therapist.
  • Be under the care of a physician licensed to practice in the state of Minnesota

Services may be indicated if the skills of a trained therapist are required by the client who has:

  • Difficulty performing activities of daily living including dressing, grooming, bathing, feeding, etc.
  • Difficulty safely completing mobility tasks
  • Poor condition
  • Limited use of arms or hands
  • Difficulty in performing housekeeping or cooking chores
  • Sensory loss
  • A need for adaptive equipment
  • A Decline in upper extremity function
  • Difficulty with memory/problem solving
  • Energy conservation training needs

Please note that the level of services available may vary due to what your insurance provider allows.